A direction change for me, but the WOTW publication still wants writers.

The Windows on the World Publication

3 min readJul 30, 2024
Screenshot of the WOTW publication. Author’s own work.
Screenshot of the WOTW publication. Author’s own work.

As you know, I recently said that I’d watch my stats until month’s end to see if there’s any hope of an earnings recovery. Alas, at this point it’s impossible to determine what’s happening, and current earnings don’t warrant my time investment on Medium (not even close). If there were truly a thing called free time, I could have extended the trial period another month; however, I am not giving up but rather am refining my approach.

I am moving my focus toward writing a book. Even so, my publication, Windows on the World, will continue to run, and I’ll continue to review and publish content as well as write the odd article. Right now, I have one writer with me. I tried to bring more writers aboard in the past, and the reasons that some didn’t stick around are now clear. The Facebook group was a huge pitfall — no one wanted to participate. However, that was partially on me, as Facebook has become a burning bag of sh*t, and I hadn’t used it for so long prior (to posting the requirement for writers to join) that I was unaware of that. So you no longer need to join a Facebook group to write with WOTW.

There was a secondary publication requirement — for publication writers to support each other. That turned into a

