I’m testing a theory (about the name change of my publication’s Url)

After it was changed, stats quickly took a downturn.

2 min readJul 21, 2024

After the Url of my publication was changed, it took a couple of days to see any difference in stats, but then it began to show signs of death. After that I lost touch with the idea that my stats and earnings may have had anything to do with the Url change, because many Medium writers complained about stats and earnings at that time.

Descending graph stats.
Luke Chesser on Unsplash.

I quickly did okay on Medium earningswise — I have only been writing here since February; yet my stats died very quickly. Something wasn’t right.

Today it dawned on me that I need to find out if the Url change was part of the problem. My publication also did okay with views until the name change, so it’s highly likely there’s a connection.

The fact that there’s no true way to test this means that I’ll need to set up a new publication and test it. It’s going to be weird because to replace the other with it, it has to have a nearly identical name. That will be so awkward that I will simply assume it will work and move all content over from the first one. If not, having two nearly identical publications will create ongoing confusion.

I invite my community to follow my publication and help me get it kick started…

