I am very disappointed with all the clap and running

I am, like you, trying to make the most of a tragic drop in earnings.

2 min readJun 29, 2024

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A heads up to clap and runners

Yesterday, I wrote an article describing how inauthentic interactive behavior negatively impacts our our earnings these days. That’s probably why I had a higher read ratio than I’ve had for a while yesterday — because some who learned of the change in algorithms responded appropriately. However, today, my read ratio is tragic. The only thing I can do is educate people on the effect we now have on each other.

There are a lot of great people within my community who authentically interact, and it’s recognized and appreciated. However, for the rest of you, the ones who come here then leave; if you are not interested in my content, please unfollow. If not, please stay away from my pages. Clap and runners will be removed.

The fact that you do not take basic responsibility is decimating my earnings, and I don’t appreciate it.

I know most don’t care, but for the few who do, this is a heads up. This is me giving you a chance to get it right, but you are also being urged to…




My topics include spirituality, paranormal, poetry, and general topics. Follow my pub and I'll follow you/yours: https://medium.com/window-on-the-world