A lot of surveys are silly nonsense — so let’s laugh about surveys!

Humor: The Top 20 Best Survey Results You’ll Never Read!

I saw an opportunity to write sheer stupidity for a laugh.

4 min read3 days ago


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This article has one objective — to draw laughter! The introduction explains why the author is poking fun at this topic.


The region I live in conducts surveys on absolutely everything, yet it appears they don’t help. Poll results can be influenced, and it’s of utmost importance who the pollster is. Even with the most trustworthy surveyors, it’s a mechanical process that’s only as true as the answers they accept. Now, I promised you a laugh, and this is the end of the serious part.

On Medium today, I checked out my page and saw an enticing partial comment that a connection had highlighted. All I saw was “A survey said that 60% of people…” and for some reason, my reaction was to chuckle. This article was inspired by it — my absolutely asinine 20-point list of silly, imaginary surveys!

20 Fictitious, Absolutely Unnervingly, Detrimentally, and Stupendously Useless Survey Results:




My topics include spirituality, paranormal, poetry, and general topics. Follow my pub and I'll follow you/yours: https://medium.com/window-on-the-world